The method of waist (spinal) decompression has been known as a treatment since the mid-1990s. After many years of clinical research it was made available for medical use in 1998.Most of the machines are American-made and this method of rehabilitation is very widespread in the United States of America.
These are physiotherapy machines of high electronic technology which are combined with a digital function centre (monitor, sensors). They offer with maximum precision treatment to the area bearing the pathology. The treatment is used to prevent painful pathologies in the area of the waist and neck. It can be applied in both chronic and acute phase. The treatment is completely safe has no side effects as well as it has been certified by the FDA.
In this method, patients feel the improvement of their symptoms from the first physiotherapy sessions depending always on the particular pathology and the size of the problem.
Most patients feel relief during the application which usually lasts 20-25 minutes.