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Agiou Dimitriou Av. 5, Athens (Dafni metro station) +30 2109705290
Mantzaris Therapy

Back Pain Disc Hernia Treatment with Innovative Physiotherapy

Back Pain Disc Hernia Treatment with Innovative Physiotherapy

It is an undeniable fact that modern lifestyles affect the bones of the spine. Intervertebral disc herniation is one of the most common pathologies in the spinal region. The pain you are causing indicates some pathology in the lumbar region.


Pain , inflammation, muscle spasm and stiffness make their appearance after an episode of lumbago. Depending on how large the herniated disc is in size, from which vertebral level the projection of the fibrous ring took place , which nerve root was pressed, the above symptoms also start automatically. The symptoms may be different from patient to patient. Many of the patients feel pain on the right and left lower spine while others feel pain in the buttocks and also in the biceps femoris area. The levels of pain which we measure on a special pain scale vary for each individual, individually. The pain may be sharp, diffuse or deep and indeterminate in the lumbar region. It can be caused by a sudden movement such as a sudden weight lifting or even after a sporting activity. The pain may be constant but may also increase or decrease depending on the activity. Patients complain that they cannot sit in a prolonged sitting position and also cannot stand for long periods of time. Walking is painful and inconvenient for the patient.


MRI (MRI) is an imaging diagnostic method performed to show us the extent of the lesion that has taken place.

Physiotherapy has the best results in reducing patients' symptoms, according to the latest researches carried out, compared to other treatment methods.

Physiotherapy achieves a reduction in pain and swelling , muscle spasm and clearly an improvement in the range of motion of the joint.

The aim of physiotherapy is to get the patient back to their daily routine and previous lifestyle as quickly as possible.

The ways of treating lumbar disc herniation pathology vary. Nowadays, physiotherapy is performed at all stages of lumbar disc disease.

The rehabilitation machines used are many as well as many techniques used by physiotherapists around the world.

At Manzaris Spine Physiotherapy and Decompression Center, we treat herniated discs with a specialized protocol for each patient individually based on the problem that the tests will indicate. We use innovative rehabilitation treatments such as the following specialized equipment:

  • 3D Spinal Decompression
  • LASER high power physiotherapy .High power LASER
  • TECAR.Ad radiofrequency therapy.

As well as specialized physiotherapy techniques of pelvic and spinal mobilization techniques for lumbar disc herniation.

Finally, we perform spinal measurements with a special Swiss spinal assessment machine. The measurement is valid and reliable according to BackScanAcademy. We then create specialized spinal strengthening exercises for each individual patient. The improvement of the patient's overall condition can be seen from the first visits depending always on the severity of each case.